Biden-Harris: A fresh start

 These last four years have been...tumultuous. From climate change to the pandemic, to riots, and everything in between. These issues, and much more, could have gone much more smoothly if we had a president who actually CARED about this country and the people living in it. 

Yesterday, on January 20, 2021, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were sworn in as our new president and vice president. This morning I woke up feeling very relieved that we actually have a president now who cares about this country, people, and important issues. It's also very exciting that we have our first woman vice president! It's about time. 

During these next four years, I hope President Biden and Vice President Harris will address some of these matters:

Climate change. If we keep living like we are, Earth isn't going to be around much longer. Biden has already re-joined the Paris climate accord (which Trump detached us from) on his first day in office, so he's off to a positive start. 

Police reform. There have been far too many cases of police officers killing black people. I'm not against police, but I think they should be called out when cases of things like this happen. 

Coronavirus. I believe Biden will get this under control by having people take the proper precautions and making the vaccine more accessible. Then we can finally have things get back to normal-ish.

These are some of the issues that I hope the Biden-Harris administration will address and work on over these next four years!



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